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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2024 Strategic Speakers

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Daniel Santiago

Partner Engagement Coordinator, Career Services
Mount Royal University

Daniel is a seasoned professional with seven years of dedicated service at Mount Royal University's (MRU) Career Services. Currently serving as a Partner Engagement Coordinator, Daniel focuses on bridging the gap between employers in industries such as energy, oil, and gas and the talented students of MRU. His commitment to fostering connections has earned him a reputation as a trusted advisor and connector within the realms of energy, management consulting, and employment/HR sectors. With a career journey that has included pivotal roles in student career development, Daniel served as an instructor and advisor, specializing in work experience expertise. Guiding countless students through career-related queries, he offered invaluable insights into effective job search strategies, and provided unwavering support throughout their career development journeys.
His previous experience in the non-profit sector further enriches his understanding of diverse organizational landscapes and enhances his ability to navigate complex professional environments with finesse. With a robust background in communications and community relations, Daniel brings a unique perspective to every discussion.

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