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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2024 Technical Committee

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Mridul Kumar

Principal Advisor and Unit Manager, Reservoir Performance Products

Dr. Mridul Kumar is a Chevron Fellow, Principal Advisor, and Unit Manager for Reservoir Performance Products, responsible for research, development, deployment and support of Chevron's reservoir engineering tools, workflows and technologies. He is also a member of Chevron's reserves advisory committee. Earlier, Dr. Kumar led the Heavy Oil and Unconventional Reservoirs team, responsible for supporting Chevron's worldwide heavy oil operations. Dr. Kumar has a B.Tech. (with distinction) from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, and M.S. and Ph.D. from the Pennsylvania State University. During his 35-year career, he has been involved in reservoir engineering/reservoir management aspects of heavy oil, improved/enhanced oil recovery (IOR/EOR), and performance prediction. Dr. Kumar has co-authored over 50 papers and 4 patents, and has presented invited seminars worldwide. Dr. Kumar is an SPE Distinguished Member and has been an SPE Distinguished Lecturer. He has co-chaired SPE Forums and Symposia, and has been a program committee member of several SPE meetings and the World Heavy Oil Congress. Dr. Kumar received the 2002 SPE Western Region Technical Achievement Award and was President of the SPE Golden Gate Section.

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