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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Logan Downing

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Logan Downing

Co-Founder and Chairman
Carbon Assessors

Logan Downing co-founded Carbon Assessors in 2021 after his consulting clients began asking for advisory services on carbon markets. Seeing an opportunity, Logan built on his Downstream Oil and Gas marketing and trading experience to develop saleable supply/demand modelling, policy analysis, and price intelligence. Prior to Carbon Assessors, Logan ran his own consultancy working with large North American integrated Oil and Gas corporations. Most notably, he helped a client develop a new global trading practice from scratch that consistently delivers $120M CAD in profit per year. Logan is a trained economist and his machine learning price setting algorithms can be found selling seven refineries worth of production across Canada and the USA.

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