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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2024 Governing Body

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Alicia Couto

Venture Manager, Energy & Cleantech
Innovate Calgary

Alicia is passionate about advancing the energy transition to net-zero and creating positive social and environmental impacts. She holds a Master's of Sustainability in Energy Security and two professional certifications in green building and photovoltaic systems. Alicia leverages her diverse skills and expertise to support the energy and cleantech ecosystem in Canada. Her varied work experience ranges from renewable energy, community energy, and energy efficiency, as well as a background in sustainability and business.

As the Venture Manager of Energy & Cleantech at Innovate Calgary's Energy Transition Centre, Alicia Couto helps entrepreneurs and innovators in the energy sector to launch and grow their ventures.

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