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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2024 NextGen Speakers

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Maggie Hanna

Energy Futures Lab

Professional Geologist over 3 decades in Minerals and Oil and Gas Exploration. Speeding up the Energy Transition through work as a Technology Steward and Connector for energy startup companies, Tech Head providing new Technology Intelligence, Innovation and Technology Scout, Cross Silo Systems Thinker, Futurist and Communicator, Artist of Possibility. Keenly interested in the World Hydrogen Economy and Alberta’s/Canada’s contribution to it.  Fellow at the Energy Futures Lab. Associate at CESAR (Canadian Energy Systems Analysis Research). Often thinking a century ahead. Sign up for passion project blog designed to provide real things on which to base hope… called “How the Future Can Go Really Really Well” …providing links to real and positive developments happening today in the world to address Climate Change, and all of her sisters including Natural Habitat Loss, Food Security, the Plastics Issue, etc.

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