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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2024 Strategic Speakers

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Duncan Nightingale

Head of Board of Directors

Duncan Nightingale is a senior executive with extensive global exposure to all areas of oil and gas operations in many complex international environments including Africa, Europe, Middle East, Latin America and North America. History of successfully constructing and implementing profitable field development programs, facilities project management, production and exploration programs. Proven experience with capital markets, re-structuring, developing high performance teams and implement a strong HSE, corporate governance and experienced Board Member. Previous senior management positions include V.P. Exploration and Production, C.O.O. at Gran Tierra Energy, V.P. Operations, Development and Exploration at Frontera Energy and various General Management positions in Nexen (CNOOC), Encana and ARCO International (BP).

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