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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

2024 Technical Committee

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Scott Irvine

Director of Data & Analytics – Energy & Utilities
Microsoft Canada

Scott Irvine is the Director of Data & Analytics – Energy & Utilities at Microsoft Canada. He has been with Microsoft for 10 years based in Calgary and holding a variety of roles to help enable enterprise organizations adopt cloud computing technology. His team is focused on helping enterprise organization operationalize Azure projects related to big data, machine learning, IoT and artificial intelligence. Prior to that Scott worked at Bell Canada for 10 years in a number of roles including building out their Data Center Practice in Western Canada.

Scott has a Bachelor of Commerce from Ryerson University and is a certified Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineer from Microsoft. He sits on the Board of Directors of Cornerstone Youth Center and the IT Advisory Board for Woods Homes. Scott is married with 3 daughters aged 11, 9 and 8 plus 2 Golden Retrievers.

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