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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Puneet Mannan

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Puneet Mannan

Associate Director
Energy Transition Centre, Innovate Calgary

Puneet Mannan leads the Energy Innovation Hub at Innovate Calgary. He brings practical experience from petrochemical processing, engineering consulting, and research commercialization sectors for designing innovation and technology commercialization programs. Puneet has led technical and economic assessments that have informed energy-system-affecting initiatives such as the natural gas decarbonization challenge at Canada’s Oil Sands Innovation Alliance and energy storage tariff and deployment considerations at the Alberta Electric System Operator and the Alberta Department of Energy. Building multi-stakeholder, inspiring, and strategic innovation enterprises is Puneet’s forte – leading the southern Alberta chapter of the Western Canadian Innovation Offices Consortium and conceiving and implementing the Calgary Energy Transition Centre in partnership with Avatar Innovations being two of several examples.

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