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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Siddharth Janakiraman


Siddharth Janakiraman

CEO, Spaljan Ventures, IP Coach
Energy Transition Centre

With over 17 years of international legal expertise in Business, IP, and Industrial Laws, Siddharth transitioned to Calgary to embark on a journey as a serial entrepreneur. Siddharth is the founder of Spaljan Ventures, an IP Strategy firm based in Calgary, and the co-founder of Aequiradix Private Limited, an industrial regulatory consulting company in India specializing in LNG import terminals. Additionally, Siddharth serves as the Calgary Chapter Chair for the Licensing Executives Society, USA & Canada, a renowned association of IP Licensing professionals with a 50-year legacy. Currently, Siddharth is spearheading the establishment of a company aimed at assisting Canadian businesses in their expansion into foreign markets and facilitating cross-border tech transfer.

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