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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

Schedule at Glance

We're excited to welcome you to Global Energy Show Canada 2024 – the first event hosted at the newly expanded BMO Centre at Stampede Park! Where Canada demonstrates its leadership to the world, don’t miss out on critical conversations taking place at this year’s Strategic Conference. Learn about the latest innovations with presentations from energy giants at the Technical Conference. Participate in a variety of networking opportunities available and create new business opportunities on the expanded sold-out tradeshow floor at Western Canada’s largest convention centre!

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DMG Events has been informed from several exhibitors are receiving scam emails . Please be aware these offers are fraudulent. These scammers do not have any relationship with DMG Events.In accordance with GDPR, CASL and other jurisdictional data privacy regulations, DMG Events will never sell your data to any third party organisations. Please see our Privacy Policy for more information regarding how DMG Events will process and store your information.