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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

AI in the Energy Industry | Solving Industry Issues | Global Energy Show

How Using AI in The Energy Industry Can Reduce Harmful Carbon Emissions 



Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly popular in the energy market. For example, AI is helping energy companies reduce harmful gas emissions and meet the sustainable energy demand.

Chantal Schutz, CFO and Executive Vice President, and her team at mCloud Corporation use artificial intelligence to help companies contribute to a low-carbon economy.

Chantel sat down with Rachel Gregory, Digital Host at The Global Energy Show, to discuss how they are using AI to prevent reactions that affect their client's environment and make a sustainable difference.


Global Energy Show - Chantal Schutz, CFO & Executive Vice President, mCloud Corp.


How mCloud Uses Artificial Intelligence in the Energy Industry


Chantel, tell us about mCloud Corp. What is it that you do? 


mCLoud uses artificial intelligence to help solve some of the world's biggest energy problems and the associated risks that we're facing right now. So, we really are a clearing house of a lot of different AI technology that has come together to help companies across a broad spectrum of industries. Our AI helps energy companies become better environmental stewards, save money, help with energy consumption and decarbonization efforts. Renewable energy generation is growing rapidly, and we are excited to help energy companies create a low-carbon economy. 

Partnering Together to Help Businesses Create a Low-Carbon Economy


This year, mCloud signed an MOU with Invest Alberta to help Canadian companies decarbonize. Can you tell us more about this partnership and what sparked this collaboration?


Earlier this year, we did a very strategic analysis of where each company was going and what sort of impact we wanted it to have. Vast amounts of our clients are in Alberta, so it only made sense to us that we make Alberta our new head office and our new corporate home.

In the process of doing that, Invest Alberta stepped up to the plate and signed this memorandum of understanding (MOU) with us so that we can partner and help the different businesses with their renewable energy sources and carbon footprint. The province itself has a running start in this conversation around decarbonization using mCLoud technology and the different partnerships.

How Asset Care Helps Reduce Harmful Gas Emissions


You are helping companies reduce waste and increase cost savings because of that. So, one of the products or technologies you use is asset care. Can you tell us more about asset care?


Asset care uses artificial intelligence (AI) analytics by analyzing data and allows the asset owner to take real-time in-the-moment actions to prevent specific reactions from what's happening within their environment. We've recently announced a partnership that we have to help different businesses with fugitive gas emissions. That is a big step in helping with the decarbonization conversation. These companies are able to take action and reduce those fugitive gas emissions that are so harmful to the environment.

The Potential of Asset Care in the Renewable Energy Sector 


It's been reported that asset care has curved an equivalent of 80,000 tons of greenhouse gas using AI, which is incredible. So what is this AI’s potential, and where do you see it going?


80,000 times is the equivalent of about 18,000 vehicles a year, which does sound like a lot, but when you think about it, the opportunity for that to be an even bigger number stops your heart a little bit. Of course, that's our goal. We will have around 70,000 connected assets by the midpoint of this year.

With asset care, we can educate companies, either the asset owners or folks like me, sitting in a CFO role with pressure put on them in reporting their ESG impacts within the environment; educating them on what asset care can and will do to help them with decarbonization and the environmental impacts they have. This gives us the opportunity to have an even bigger impact, which is just incredible.

How mCloud Helps Energy Companies Meet ESG Goals Around Their Environmental Impacts


And speaking of ESG reporting, McLoud launched its first annual ESG report this May. Can you tell us more about your key role as part of your commitments?


This really is on helping our customers meet their ESG goals and primarily their goals around the environmental impacts that they're having in regards to energy usage. Asset care not only tracks those numbers but also enables the asset holders to actually report on the impact they're having.

This is a big area of discussion right now in the ESG world; you know, how do we take the impact that these energy providers are having and report on it? How do we know that we can validate these numbers with asset care, dashboards, and big data collection?

We're able to give those asset owners and asset operators the real-time data, but then we're also able to provide information that needs to go out into the world and report on those numbers and be able to say these numbers are in fact accurate and provide real practical value. Fortunately, with asset care, we're able to go back and find the energy sources and data.

Learn More About the Future of AI Technology in The Energy Industry

With growing acknowledgement of the efforts companies are making to reduce fossil fuels and greenhouse emissions to meet their ESG commitments, emerging technologies and machine learning has never been more important. MCloud Corporation's asset care technology is a great example of how industry leaders are taking steps in helping with the decarbonization conversation and making a positive environmental impact.

If you’re interested in learning more about operational technology and AI in the energy sector from the people actively changing the game in North America’s energy industry, register for the next Global Energy Show today.

AI in the Energy Industry | Solving Industry Issues | Global Energy Show

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