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Energy Powering Opportunity
June 10-12, 2025
BMO Centre at Stampede Park - Calgary, Canada

U.S. - Canada Carbon Management Solutions Roundtable

U.S.-Canada Carbon Management Solutions Roundtable

Join the U.S. Commercial Service Canada and the U.S. Consulate General Canada for a panel discussion on
fostering collaboration between the United States and Canada to advance the adoption and deployment of Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) technologies to decarbonize hard-to-abate sectors.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024
Time: 2:00 PM-3:15 PM
Location: U.S. Consulate Room, MR#205, Level 2 BMO Centre

 To RSVP, please fill out the form


 For any questions, contact

US Consulate CCUS Roundtable

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